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2020 State of Emergency Black Lives Matter, Are You tired Yet?

Writer: Keyanna HarperKeyanna Harper

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

We are in a state of emergency. 2020 is showing us that many people have been living in a state of denial selfishly. We've been living in denial about our racial issues, our government, and our daily living for years.

We watched as the water began to boil over all over the world. People are tired of racism, classism, and oppression from people we have hired to make living equal for everyone.

America's past has peaked its head out yet again, letting us know that our racial issues were never resolved. You have to be blind to feel as if these issues were resolved.

Black people in American learn to survive in it.

The pain of black men and women being killed unjustly is being felt across the world.

Thanks to social media, the issues hidden behind the scene are now being filmed for the world to see. This behavior never stopped and only seen because cameras are assessable on every person's phone.

It's more convenient to pull out your phone and film than to get involved with what's going on. That's a post for another day.

The issue is, people thought things were better since the time of my parents and my grandparents. This has always been a lie! A cover-up for the racist undertones and class discriminations in this country.

Every few weeks, we see the death of our brothers and sisters due to police brutality, racist vigilantes, and racist acts from people who claim their actions aren't racist.

As a black woman, my heart bleeds because, we are fighting our grandparents' fight. Why are we still fighting this? What has history shown us? It's a repeating cycle for black people in this country.

We look to the government for help, our public officials, and community leaders that aren't helping. Have they ever really helped? That's the question we need to ask our selves. If the issues didn't benefit them or the lobbyist that throw the big bucks at them to get laws passed for their greedy pockets, we see nothing to help us.

No action, We hear about the conversations to smooth things over until it goes away quietly. Have you noticed it?

The people with the big bucks are very silent, but not so much when things began to affect their pockets. So what does that say?

We need to hold the companies accountable for their silence. Not a meme or a commercial. Real action is required, and these companies need to stand with the people that spend the most, putting money where their mouth is to get real change to move forward.

If they can't stand for the people in need, they don't deserve our money. We need action now.

What we are witnessing is history. We've been here before, so knowing our country's history, we need to be smarter about the approach of how to proceed for the betterment of our country.

These instigators that sit in our government, law offices, benches, police department and all other essential positions, have been put there for a reason and they aren't holding their part of the bargain up. So, it's time to clean house everywhere.

What can we do to equal out the scales? As taxpayers, we have the right to demand what we want for our communities, states, and country.

That is what the government is for, right?

That's their job to serve and protect the citizens and provide protection of our well-being and happiness.

They are not doing what's best for us as citizens, but they are pushing their agenda. It's time to hold them accountable, and we must remove them by vote or force. They shouldn't take our money and do whatever they want to the citizens that allow them to pay their bills.


It's time to start putting our money together to build community centers that help our children learn and understand government, law, finance, trade jobs.

We need to teach our children the importance of knowing about what's going on around them and helping them be apart of a system that the wealthy want them to be ignorant and unaware of what is built for them to move ahead.

We should come together and raise money to have schools built in our community so we can control what and how our children learn—raising money to put black banks that are own and operated by black professionals and not sold out to big banking (white banks).

Encouraging black people to buy land in the inner city, show them how to put their businesses in their community. We need to bring back our communities because no one else will.


People in power never want to let go of power; it's a drug to control people, places, and things.

As people of this country, we control a big part of the wealth, which they use as power to push their agenda and over-looking what is needed for the communities they serve.

Our money is our power, and our voices are our power. They are the ones that need to know their place. If we stop working and stop buying, everything stops for them, and they began to take losses.

Just look at the COVID-19 crisis; we aren't over this yet, it's still killing thousands of people, but you notice how fast they needed to open everything up despite the well being of the citizens. They need us but care less about us, and if you're black, you're not even considered at all, we are the last to get anything.

We are taking our power back; these officials would not be in the position they are in if it wasn't for us, including Trump(who has no idea what the hell he is doing).

Typical white America I've seen over and over again benefiting from the white privilege they claim is not real.

A white person doesn't need experience in the job. Never been trained, Never gone to school for it, but because they are white, and know somebody, somehow makes them superior.

They can get the job even if they have no clue. Something we see in the black community is, we can have all the schooling, education, and experience and still get denied because our name is "weird" or being too black. How can we stop this?

When black people get in positions of power, we need to pull up our brothers and sisters that we know have the qualifications to get things done.

We open our businesses and once they start to flourish; we begin to show others how to get it done. Help them fundraise for money to open their business because we all know how banks and blacks work.

Taking back our power is to pull each other up and to teach one another. We are the backbone of the economy in this country, yet they try to keep us down to keep us out.

Black people, we are worth more than what they are serving us.

Black household suffers the most. According to, white households have amassed more riches than their counterparts of color, leading to a racial wealth gap. White Americans hold eight times the wealth of the typical Black family and five times the wealth of the typical Hispanic household, the Federal Reserve estimated in its 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances. White families also had the highest median level of wealth at $188,200, the survey found, compared with $24,100 for Black families and $36,100 for Hispanic families.

We are the poorest in the US economy but contribute 1.2 trillion in spending and are projected to reach 1.5 trillion by 2021, stated in

Black-owned businesses have grown well over 45 percent in the last 30 years. This statistic was written in 2015. United States Census reports African Americans owned approximately 124,551 businesses, with about 28.5% (35,547) of these businesses in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector, the highest percentage of any minority group.


As a black woman in my 40's, my days of being a foot soldier have passed. I wish I would have done more in my younger days, but that’s neither here or there.

Now, I am putting myself up to do something for our community, pushing our people to get involved in everything possible and not sit by idly.

These government officials and friends want our money to keep them comfortable. As, we live in poverty with horrible school systems, poor quality of food, water, inadequate healthcare, and dilapidated homes that we can't get loans to fix. This is systemic racism. We are disproportionately affected in every aspect of our life.

We as a community have control of that, yes it's hard work, but it's worth the blood, sweat, and tears for a better future. We are tired of being the crash dummies in America.

It's time to set a plan of action for not only black adults but also our children. No child in our communities should go without direction and guidance no matter what the home life is.

My platform is about community. There is a fight in every part of our life. We need leaders and fighters for our political right, neighborhoods, schools, healthcare, and law.

It's time to band together and take care of our people inside and out, because without the leadership from influential people in every position of power we can't heal, fight, and grow.

I am ready to take my place in my community. Are you? Or will you sit back and watch the fight and do nothing? At this point, it's time for a plan of action that needs to happen now!



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